Substance misuse
What is substance misuse?
Substance misuse, also known as substance use disorder (SUD), refers to the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances, including alcohol and illicit drugs. It involves a pattern of behavior where an individual consumes these substances in quantities or in ways that are harmful to themselves or others. Substance abuse can lead to a wide range of physical, psychological, and social problems, and it often requires professional intervention and treatment to overcome.
Common signs and symptoms of substance abuse may include:
An inability to control substance use.
Neglecting responsibilities at work, home, or school due to substance use.
Engaging in risky behaviors while under the influence.
Continued use of substances despite negative consequences.
Tolerance (needing more of the substance to achieve the desired effect).
Withdrawal symptoms when the substance is not used.
Seeking help

A not-for-profit organisation committed to minimising harm from alcohol and drug abuse, with a range of resources, information, and programs for support.
Phone 1800 250 015

Medical care, counseling, and support for women with complex substance use issues and providing care for infants exposed to alcohol or drugs during pregnancy.
Phone: (03) 8345 3931

A free detox services for individuals aged up to 24 years old.
Referral: Contact DirectLine, your local Intake & Assessment service or speak to your doctor

Provides residential rehabilitation and community services for addiction.
Phone: (03) 9420 7600.
Website: Odyssey House Victoria

Supports individuals and families recovering from addiction, offering various services.
Phone: 1300 660 068.
Website: SHARC
A national website with information on drug and alcohol, with a focus on LGBTQIA+ communities.
Website: Touchbase
Offers support and information for teenagers dealing with drugs and alcohol.
Phone: 1800 551 800
Website: Kids Helpline
Offers support and information for young people dealing with drugs and alcohol.
Phone: 1800 458 685
Website: YSAS
State-wide Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) service for LGBTIQ+ and PLHIV Victorians.
Phone: 1800 134 840
Website: Thorne Harbour Health AOD Services
Provides information on different drugs, harm reduction, and advice for staying safe.
Phone: Metro - (08) 9442 5000, Country - 1800 198 024.
Website: Drug Aware

Confidential alcohol and drug counseling and referral services in Victoria.
Phone 1800 888 236

A health promotion organization that focuses on reducing harm associated with drug use, which provides resources, event information, and a live chat via their website.
Pharmacotherapy hotline: 1800 443 844

A medically supervised injecting room with trained staff on site.
Phone: (03) 9418 9811

Offers treatment, support, and information related to addiction.
Website: Turning Point

Provides information and support for benzodiazepine dependency, anxiety, insomnia, and withdrawal.
Phone: 1300 273 266.
Website: Reconnexion
Offers Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) treatment programs and services for those involved in the criminal justice system.
Phone: 03 9413 7000
Website: ACSO AOD Programs
Phone: +61 2 5110 3018
Website: AIVL
Offers counseling, withdrawal, rehabilitation, and more for various groups.
Phone: 1800 888 236
Website: Uniting

An online harm-reduction community with judgment-free forums for support and education.
Website: Bluelight
Provides confidential support for people struggling with addiction.
Phone: 1800 250 015